Advantages of an Aluminum Boat

 Sustainability is very important to our aluminum boat builders and this is reflected in the material, among other things.

This is because aluminum contains no toxic substances and therefore does not cause further harm to the environment.


Another advantage of the boats is that they do not have to be taken out of the water, since aluminum does not rust.

This of course saves again in cost, cleaning and it also gives a safe feeling to know that the boat is destined to withstand all weather conditions.


Also, all boats are designed with a self-draining cockpit.

Our boat builders have really thought of everything! In addition, the material does not rust and thus lasts a very long time.

This also eliminates the need to paint the boat, which is also harmful to the environment.


So, do you also want to contribute to a sustainable and green future? Have an aluminum boat built by Boats-NL.


Aluminum is light, weighing only a third of steel.

This means a lighter hull gives better performance, has less draft, gives less fuel consumption and requires a less powerful engine or put differently with an equally powerful engine more efficiency.


Aluminum sloops are corrosion resistant and incombustible.

In addition, the ease with which the material can be machined, welded and treated makes hulls much more economical.

Collision tests also show that the force required to break GRP leaves only a dent in aluminum.


In addition, aluminum has been proven to be safer than steel.

In fact, aluminum hull plates are about 1.5 times thicker than steel, making them 30 percent stronger than a comparable steel plate and 12.5 percent more resistant to complete fracture.